I honestly don't know if it is just me getting older and understanding or paying attention to health issues or if it is a sign of our times and the way that we eat; but I am noticing more and more individuals talking about their struggles with Chron's Disease, IBS, Spastic Colon etc.
I was doing some research for a friend and found some really interesting information that I wanted to share with anyone who is dealing with intestinal issues.
My own experience with bathroom issues has been drastically improved through my new lifestyle as well, so it is not just me hearing it from someone else, this is being reported across the board.
**As with any change in your diet/exercise/lifestyle it is always important to check with your doctor to see if it is right for you.
If you need ingredient information to share with your doctor, please let me know, I would be happy to get that for you.
I was doing some research for a friend and found some really interesting information that I wanted to share with anyone who is dealing with intestinal issues.
My own experience with bathroom issues has been drastically improved through my new lifestyle as well, so it is not just me hearing it from someone else, this is being reported across the board.
**As with any change in your diet/exercise/lifestyle it is always important to check with your doctor to see if it is right for you.
If you need ingredient information to share with your doctor, please let me know, I would be happy to get that for you.