I get it; I’ve been there. When I ordered my first kit, I was totally clueless and spent hours asking questions and researching on the internet. Don’t worry. You’ve got this. I’ll hold your hand friend. And if something comes up that I don't know, we will figure it out together. That is the great thing about Young Living and their support system.
1. Diffuse your heart out
Hands down, one of the easiest ways to start using your Premium Starter Kit is by opening your new diffuser, adding some oils, and begin enjoying the smells and benefits immediately. Seriously, diffuse even before you open the rest of your kit. You’ll thank me.
2. Use ’em in the kitchen

There are so many uses for oils in the kitchen. For example, you can wash fruits and veggies in a sink bath of water, baking soda, and lemon vitality oil. This helps to not only clean the produce, but also remove any waxy residue and pesticides that may be on them.
Lemon Vitality is extremely versatile in the kitchen. Not only can you use it to flavor your water (make sure you drink out of glass or stainless steel cup and straw), but you can also cook and bake with it! Lemon can also be used in homemade vinaigrette.
Lemon Vitality is extremely versatile in the kitchen. Not only can you use it to flavor your water (make sure you drink out of glass or stainless steel cup and straw), but you can also cook and bake with it! Lemon can also be used in homemade vinaigrette.
Peppermint vitality is another oil that holds its own in the kitchen. Make Mint Chocolate Chip Brownies, mojitos in a pinch, and peppermint whipped cream. It is also a nice addition to water, giving you a huge burst of energy and alertness. Studies have also shown that drinking peppermint water before a workout increases endurance and intensity of your workout. Bonus: mix peppermint essential oil in a carrier oil (almond or coconut oil) and massage it over your sore, achy muscles after your intense work out!
3. Bathe in it

To make a detox bath, draw a hot bath, add 10 drops of essential oils to 1 cup epsom salts and 1 cup baking soda. My favorite oil combos are lavender + stress away for relaxation (great for kid’s bath time!), lavender + peppermint during that time of the month help to provide a relaxing atmosphere and thieves + r.c. for when you’re just feeling like you need a little pick me up.
4. Beauty DIYs
There are so many DIYs you can make with essential oils. One of my favorite DIYs is a nighttime and daytime toner that my daughter introduced me to. There are so many different combinations you can make and they make great gifts as well! Another great DIY is a lavender spray. Just mix lavender with a little water and witch hazel and you have a spray for just about anything. Spray it around a room as an air freshener, on yours or your kid’s bed to promote a restful night sleep, or on your skin when you have spent far too much time in the summer sun. So many uses! |
5. Get healthy and stay healthy
Essential oils have so many health benefits it’s not even funny! It can take some time to get used to understanding each of their properties and the best use of them. However, two oils you need to know about are r.c. and digize. R.C contains three different types of eucalyptus essential oils and helps to promote an uplifting atmosphere. DiGize is another gem and helps it to support a healthy digestive system. It’s nice to keep with you at all times. Throw it in your purse, you just never know when you’re going to need something like that.
6. Enjoy the great outdoors

I love the outdoors, I spend as much time as I can outside enjoying the sun, the crisp air and appreciating God's creation. One thing I really dislike though is bugs... Check out some of the DIY oily blends you can put together to ward off those pesky bugs.
7. Clean and freshen your home
This might be my most favorite part of my oily journey, I am working on eliminated all toxic cleaners from my home to clean with 100% with essential oils. For a quick all purpose spray, fill a spray bottle 2/3 the way full of water and the rest of the way with vinegar, add 10 drops of essential oil. Thieves, lemon, and purification are my favorite go to oils. Plus, your house will smell amazing when you’re all done! |
8. Beautify your skin care
I have LOVED adding essential oils to my skin care routine! It is one of the best things that I have done for myself. Lemon, tea tree, lavender, frankincense are my favorites to use on my face. Before I started making my own and buying Young Living products, I would add these to my skin care routine by mixing them with my face wash, toner, and lotion. Try something new, wash your face how you normally would. Then put a drop of frankincense on a cotton ball and swipe around like you would toner. You’ll be both amazed and disgusted at how much dirt and make up it pulls off of your face even AFTER washing it! Worth it’s weight in gold.
9. Dive in and Learn
This is the best tip I can probably give anyone. Just dive in and start learning all that you can about oils. You will have abundant resources at your finger tips, however nothing can take the place of you learning about the oils for yourself. I use an app on my phone for a quick reference, ask me how to get it. I love that you can look up the uses of particular oils and look up different uses and figure out which oils to use. I am constantly amazed at what these little bottles are capable of.
10. Share the oily love
Trust me on this one. Once you realize how amazing these oils are, you are going to want to share the love. You can definitely stick these little packs in your purse, stash them at work, or throw them in your car and use them for yourself. But honestly, it’s hard to keep it to yourself. The best part is once you start sharing these babies, you can start having your oils paid for, because trust me, you’re going to want more oils for yourself!
Once you learn your way around your Premium Starter Kit and start learning about other oils, you will be itching to try something new. I couldn’t live without the oils in my starter kit, I make sure I always have backups on hands, but they’re not the only ones I can’t live without! Soon you’ll start to have yourself a nice little growing collection.
If you haven’t snagged your Premium Starter Kit yet, what are you waiting for?? I would love to help you out if you are ready to make this jump for your family’s health and wellness. Check out all get with the Premium Starter Kit hookup!
You get 11 amazing bottles of essential oils, your choice of diffusers, an incredibly helpful and uplifting community of other Oilers ready to help you get started, 24% off retail price of any Young Living product for any future purchase all for $160.
Click here to get the hook up! If you need any help getting signed up or have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email or leave a comment!
Click here to get the hook up! If you need any help getting signed up or have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email or leave a comment!
*Medical Disclaimer: Please note I am NOT a health care professional. The information contained in this post is NOT intended to take the place of a medical or health professional’s advice.
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The statements made about specific products on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.
FDA Disclaimer
The statements made about specific products on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.